People with blood group type A may be more vulnerable to coronavirus, China study reveals

If your blood group is type ‘A’, then you are at an bigger risk of getting coronavirus infection as compared to those with other blood group types, a  preliminary Chinese study has revealed this. The study says, those with type ‘O’ blood group seems more resistant to the virus than people belonging to any other blood groups.

Researchers studying COVID-19 in its outbreak epicenter, Wuhan, and the city of Shenzhen in China took blood samples of more than 2,000 patients infected with the virus in Wuhan and Shenzhen. Then they compared them to local healthy populations. The study results suggested that individuals with blood type ‘A’ patients are significantly more prone to develop severe symptoms compare to people of any other group.

This shows concern for a particular group of people of blood group A  as these group of people particularly need Strengthened personal protection to minimize their chance to get the infection.

However the research is still in its initial stage, the research team has urged the governments and medical facilities to take the study results into account while dealing with the patients of coronavirus and pay special focus on those with blood group type ‘A’.

The study data also revealed, out of 206 COVID-19 patients who succumbed to the virus in Wuhan, 85 belonged to blood type ‘A’. And, this number is 63 per cent higher than the number of COVID-19 patients with blood type ‘O’, who were killed by the virus.

As of now, COVID-19 has affected a total of 143 people in India and 3 among them have already died. The WHO report says, as of 17th March, there were 184,976 confirmed cases of coronavirus around the globe including 7529 fatalities.

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