US President Trump, First Lady visits Taj Mahal, says America loves India

After attending the mega ‘Namaste, Trump’ event in Ahmedabad and paid a visit to the Sabarmati Ashram, the US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on Monday evening visited the iconic Taj Mahal as they marvelled at the famed 17th century Mughal-era mausoleum built as a monument of love. Trump was accompanied by his wife, daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner on a two day trip to India.

Trump and the First Lady were earlier received at the Kheria Technical Airport by UP chief minister Adityanath and Governor Anandi Ben Patel.

The couple travelled 14 kilometres from the airport to the Taj Mahal where cultural events organised on stages created on several crossings and artistes performed and greeted both the dignitaries. Over 15,000 school students also lined up on both sides of the route holding US and India flags and cheered the US president as his motorcade passed by.

President Trump and the First Lady held hands as they strolled at the architectural landmark and later wrote his message in the visitor’s book there- “Taj Mahal inspires awe, a timeless testament to the rich and diverse beauty of Indian culture! Thank you, India”. They were also briefed about the history and significance of the monument.

The Taj Mahal was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal after her death in 1631, has been refurbished for the visit of American president.

The local residents were hugely excited for the US President’s visit to their city Agra and Taj Mahal. Some shop owners even displayed their own banners, welcoming Trump to India.

Heavy security arrangements was in place for his Agra visit, and authorities had to clear the Taj Mahal premises from visitors by noon, hours ahead of Trump’s visit there.

President Trump also took to Twitter handle to utter his sentiments about his first official visit to India, which began with a visit to Ahmedabad. “First lady and I have travelled 8,000 miles around the world to give a message to each citizen of this country – America loves India, America respects India and the people of America will always be true and committed friends of the people of India” the American leader tweeted in Hindi.

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