Africa now one step closer to Open Skies

With the official launch of ‘The Single African Transport Market’ (SAATM) at the African Union summit held in Addis Ababa in January ,Africa is now one step closer to achieve Open Skies on the continent.With this tremendous step, travellers can now expect substantial reduce in fares,more direct routes and increased route frequencies.

“Today’s resolution is historic said by IATA’s vice president for Africa, Raphael Kuuchi. SAATM is a decisive steps towards greater intra-African connectivity and delivers the framework on which to achieve it.He also added that now it was time to get down to accomplish with governments having to act on their pledge.

David Kajange , the head of the AU’s transport and tourism division and one of the single market’s architect is quite positive about the future and says airlines will soon expand to second and third-tier countries.

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