A short guide to all the solo travelers out there

Solo traveling is something everyone of us have fantasized about at least once in a lifetime. However,the brutal truth is its not a cakewalk and definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. Traveling alone needs a lot of courage and enthusiasm and is worth all the efforts. For those who love traveling alone here is a little list of few do’s and don’ts to be followed.
1. Do some research about the place u want to visit ; it helps in giving you an idea about the climate,culture,language and sites of attraction
of that place also it lets you know about certain threats you may encounter so that you could be best prepared for it
2. Do not make your travel updates public immediately; a little privacy ensures your safety so avoid posting your location or any information
on social media immediately.
3. Avoid visiting any isolated place at night, do check the crime rates of the place beforehand.
4. Travel light travel more; Okay so lesser the luggage more the places you can roam freely and yes the more you can shop.
5. Try to write your experiences later, it might help other travelers and serve as a lifetime memory to you.

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