CHENNAI: Southern Railway on Friday propelled ‘Rail Partner’, viewed as its first in-house umbrella application for enquiries. This is going to provide consistent data like PNR status and prepare plans, along with customer’s points of interest of Chennai rural services and special trains. At the lauching of the application, Principal chief commercial manager, Priamvada Viswanathan said “Subtle elements accessible on different applications are not solid. This application examines wellsprings of data and is utilized for the most part for enquiries. We will additionally enhance the application dependent on the input that we get”.

The application, that can be downloaded on Google Play, likewise has coordinate call offices for the 20 most usually needed support lines and aided services and a list of all the special trains, in view of the user’s favoured routes . Information from the application will be utilized to help railways plan their administrations. The FAQ area has answers to points of interest, for example, traveler courtesies, discounts and parcel booking .
Considering the execution features of Southern Railway up to September 2018, General director RK Kulshrestha said the railways had wiped out each of the 311 unmanned level crossings and in this way turning into an unmanned level crossing free zone. The starting income amid the financial year 2018-2019 up to September is 14.94 % higher and grossly figured – Rs 4434.14 crore .
As said by the railway authourities, along the lines of Shatabdi Express, day services to Madurai is on the deck. Introducing the ‘Rail Partner’ application, authorities likewise said the dependability and execution of trains had increased upto 74 per cent.

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