15th International Chef’s day!!

The Indian Culinary Forum (ICF) commended the fifteenth International Chefs’ Day, Chef Awards and Chef and Child philanthropy supper on October 4 at the Leela Ambience Hotel Gurugram.The day was sorted out by the ICF and the Indian Culinary Federation of culinary affiliations. The occasion respected gourmet specialists and perceived their job in the friendliness business and in the public arena at large.Awards were given in 16 distinct classifications for magnificence in cooking, and exchange tests was led in 11 classifications. Amitaba Kant, CEO of NITI Aayog, who has himself spent long a very long time in tourism and accommodation, gave out the honors.

The day likewise observed a Knowledge Summit. The day began with the sixth Chef Summit toward the beginning of the day, and the night was committed for Chef Awards.For the first run through its multi year-long association of Annual Chef Awards, the ICF had their yearly Chef Awards worked outside of Delhi, in Gurgaon. This international festivity and Chef Awards this year was held at The Leela Ambience Hotel in Gurgaon on October 4. ICF had been holding the yearly occasion in The Ashok Hotel Delhi till now.

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