Meet the UAE Couple Who Quit Their Jobs to Meet Their Passion Traveling the World

Traveling is the most life-affirming experience  one can do for oneself. Apart from the obvious fun involved, traveling can transform someone in so numerous  ways.The happiness and satisfaction it offers is persistent even after the trip ends. That’s inspired  a couple who ended up  quitting their jobs and jump towards a world of freedom and adventure.

Being happily married, Jeff and Anne Johns of Dubai have decided to leave their full time jobs and have been triggered  with a desire to explore 25 countries within the span of six months.

Jeff originally belongs to the USA and Anne comes from a town in France, before they met in Dubai in 2014. It was a love at first sight as the couple found their intesrests are being harmonized in the field of traveling. There after they set about planning quick “48 hours in…” weekend  trips to other countries since these are easy,  less time consuming and they had to address their full time jobs in week days also. To record their adventures they started a website.

After exploring more than 40 countries together, they decided to tie the knot in 2017 and now in this year they are all set to take another plunge into the adventure of a lifetime experience. Here is the sweet story of their passion…..

When asked, how do they get into the idea of leaving the UAE to travel around the world,  Anna hilariously admits the fact that they have the travel bug pretty bad and says,  “Experiencing so many 48-hour adventures and long weekends away from Dubai to explore places like Beirut, Egypt, Nepal, Zanzibar, and India, we aspired of  getting into some far-off destinations, and to spend more time there than a weekend – so the jobs had to go!”

After months of careful plannings, preparations and savings, they have finally achieved their goal and set an itinerary for a six-month trip through four continents and 25 countries. It took about 18 months for the couple for the financial savings and logistical planning of the trip. And regarding their traveling habit, Anna says, “We travel extremely light and lean, can carry everything ourselves and only have the basics.”

All in all, covering 25 countries in about 160 days, serves more as a life lesson than to be an adventure for them. Apart from gaining unforgetable memories, meeting amazing people everywhere, the most challenging part of this journey they have found is that not having a home. They moved out of their apartment, quit their jobs, sold all their belongings, and donated all their clothes – which is very rare in life in fact.

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