Hawaii tops the list of Most Favourable U.S. travel Destinations of 2019

The results of a recent consumer travel trends survey suggest 2019 is going to be another boon year for the travel industry. More than 3,500 consumers participated in the survey and a whopping 96 percent indicated they intend to travel for vacation in the coming year with nearly 90 percent stating they will take the same or more trips in 2019. The overwhelming majority (76 percent) are planning at least two or more leisure trips next year with 36 percent indicating their travels, at least in part, involve solo trips.

Waikiki Beach in Honolulu on the Hawaiian island of Oahu

The  recently held Consumer travel survey are encouraging for the travel industry as 2019 is going to be another successful year for tourism.Among  the most desired US tourist destinations of 2019, Hawaii  topped the list of the destinations as the island meets the travel interests of almost everyone. More than 3,500 consumers participated in the survey out of which 96 percent consumers revealed  their interest  to go for a vacation in the coming year, Which is quite impressive. Among them an overwhelming majority of 76 percent are planning several holiday trips next year while 36 percent have shown their interested in solo trips.

Hawaii has experienced record-breaking tourism successively for last 5 years.8.9 million visitors flooded America’s westernmost state in the year 2016, spending $15.9 billion in the process. That implies  on any given day, you could find about 220,000 tourists crowding the Big Island of Hawaii, the surfer’s paradise of Maui, the Garden Isle of Kauai, or the capital island of Oahu.

According to the survey, the whole top 10 US destinations are:

* Hawai
* Alaska
* California
* Florida
* Louisiana
* Colorado
* New York
* Arizona
* Montana
* Washington D.C.

At the same time solo travelers’ preferred destinations for 2019, are :

* Florida
* California
* Hawaii
* New York
* Alaska

Hawaii, a U.S. state i.e. an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, consisting of the eight major islands and the biggest one is ‘Hawaii’, after which the state is named. With  its appealing diversities it has always been the tourist’s number one choice. From the rolling green hills, the  sun kissed pristine beaches, and the mind blowing hang ten activities to the amazing volcanoes, Hawaii satiates its visitors in almost every manner possible.

Due to the mild year-round weather, it is ideal for any traveller, whether you are a foodie or have a family or just planning your next solo adventure. Each year over 8-million visitors drop in the island, almost 60% of who arrive from the US mainland ; which is quite a good news for the inbound tourism.

Apart from this, the most favourable international destinations of the local people for the year 2019 are :

* The Caribbean
* Western Europe
* Mexico
* Canada
* Eastern Europe

While for the year 2019 the solo travelers are  mostly interested in the  international destinations like:

* Western Europe
* Caribbean
* UK/Ireland
* Eastern Europe
* Australia

Regarding solo traveling, most of the travelers intend to travel and explore independently while 25 %  prefer to join an organized group journey. 35 % of solo travelers like to join one or even more guided tour experiences at the time of travelling.

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