Cruise Industry boosts tourists arrival to Cuba, Helps Resurrecting the Nation’s Tourism

Cuban tourism is at its high during the month of November, that has seen a 14.7% growth in the tourism indicators, and 51% hike in cruise arrivals particularly. But as reported by a Cuban tourism expert, early in this year Cuba has encountered a drop following the travel restrictions imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump and last year’s devastating hurricanes. On the other hand  European countries like  United Kingdom, Spain, Russia, Netherlands and Portugal showed significant growth in the sector.

Despite a little downturn in Cuban air travel, the arrival of Canadian tourists have supassed the Americans and the reason is well known.

Cuba is most viably accessed through the course of cruise ships and in November, there was a noticeable improvement of flights to the island too. This has also contributed to the remarkable growth in the percentage of cruise passengers. As statistics shows a total over 4,270,000 international footfalls into Cuba have been registered this year where as last year the count recorded 4,256,853.

The proficient cruise tourism of Cuba has boosted the tourist arrival which showed a 49% growth compared to  that of the previous year. In this sense,  over 790,000 foreign visitors out of which 575,000 are Americans, have approached the nation this year through the sea route so far.

With 36 Caribbean travel destinations itineraries the cruise industry of Cuba, continues to grow undoubtedly. These Caribbean docks have witnessed the arrival of 25,189,900 cruise passengers, as a whole, which is a 6.2% increase compared to the previous cruise season, as per the recent report of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA).

This fruitful growth in the cruise tourism of Cuba somewhere woes to the country’s lucrative offers on land. Proper maintenance and exhibition of tourist infrastructures and destinations along with alluring tour packages which put much less pressure on the pockets of the tourists, motivate them to go for the cruises.

On an average, for the 36 destinations in the Caribbean, tourist expenditure per passenger who disembarked and booked tours was $48 USD. By buying tour packages the cruise passengers get more trips and tours, thus the average expenditure per tourist is lower than that of others. Here 73% of the disembarked cruise passengers purchase guided tours.

The emergence of Cuba in cruise tourism has proven to be exemplary for the rest of the world. With creative capability and better offers in the tour packages, this form of tourism can certainly be a leading source to generate revenues for the country and there by can take the nation to a new high.

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