Time to take time out : India tops the most vacation deprived countries in the world: Survey

May be bit Upsetting and apprehensive for Indians as a  report revealed  India as the most vacation deprived country in the world.

According to the annual Vacation Deprivation Survey by  global travel agency Expedia, India has topped the list of all vacation deprived countries in the world. Indian workers are not making use of all their vacation days.


Report says, 75% of Indians feel vacation deprived, which is the highest in the world followed by South Korea (72%) and Hong Kong (69%). The survey was conducted  among 11,144 respondents across 19 countries.


India was on number 5 on the same survey conducted  last year too, now gone up to tops the list  and it’s not at all a  good sign.


Indian workers also do not use all their  vacation days and listed in  five in the matter of leaving their vacations unused after Japan, Italy, Australia, New Zealand.


The survey discovered, almost 53 percent Indians take fewer vacation leaves than they get officially and 35 percent people don’t take those leaves because their hectic work schedule does not allow them to. Low manpower in companies is also a main reason for this.

Also 18 percent Indians are with the opinion that strong and successful people don’t take vacations.

The reasons are bizarre but apparently 68 percent Indians believe them.


Manmeet Ahluwalia, Marketing Head, Brand Expedia India, said that there is  a hike in support from Indian employers to take vacations, but the employees don’t want to avail their full vacation days. The reasons given by the employees differ from person to person, but majorly fears   ‘missing out on important work decisions’ and ‘fear of being seen less committed’ among others.
He further added, 25 percent people think that they will miss out on important work if they take a break .
Some interesting facts that found out were even after 78% bosses were in support of vacations, Indian employees are distracted while vacationing as 32% supervisors, 34% co-workers, and 33% junior staff keeps mailing/messaging and disturbing  them during the vacation!


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