300 Hoteliers Won’t Honour Bookings From Two Portals From Saturday

In a recent move, about 300 hoteliers  in Ahmedabad unanimously  decided to turn down bookings from two major online portals – MakeMyTrip and GoIbibo –starting from 1st December .

On November 30th,this issue was discussed during the meeting of  HRA(Hotels and Restaurants Association ),Gujarat.Hoteliers have alleged that indiscriminate discount offered by these portals unfavorably affected their business.

Narendra Somani, president of HRA – Gujarat said these online booking companies charged commission  in the tune of 35% on the discounted rates.Because of this the hoteliers here losing their revenue and struggling to sustain  their business.

This mean s that if someone made a booking at a city-based hotel from the above mentioned portals, they will not be considered for a check in even if they  produce  the Hotel’s vocher.

Somani said these hotels have already notified the customers that they are not going to serve those showing  vouchers  booked by these two specific portals.Rather they will be offered the rooms at the same rate with the condition the customer must cancel his booking made by  MakeMyTrip and GoIbibo portals.

Hoteliers in Bengaluru,Odisha,Indore and Chandigarh are also facing the similar issues and may follow boycotting the indiscriminate discount policy of these two portals,Somani said.

Source: TOI

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