4th edition of World Conference on Tourism and Culture to be held in Kyoto, Theme: “Investing in future generations’’

The 4th UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture  responds to the calls for action from the past three Declarations on Culture and Tourism, namely: the 2015 Siem Reap Declaration which recommends closer and targeted partnerships between stakeholders of culture and tourism; the 2017 Muscat Declaration, which encourages the contribution of tourism and culture in national SDG strategies, and the 2018 Istanbul Deflation, which promotes tourism development as a tool for safeguarding culture, contributing to sustainable cities and the use of technology to facilitate access for all. This Conference will continue the discussion on how the tourism and culture sectors can work more collaboratively together and increase public-private partnerships to ensure the protection of our shared cultural heritage.

‘Investing in future generations’ is the theme of the 2019 World Conference.It will concentrate on cultural transmission, community and capacity building. This conference will demonstrate the importance of enabling local stakeholders to have a voice in how tourism is managed both now and in the future. Panelists will share their perspectives on the priority investments that need to be made today to ensure tourism is developed in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.

This edition will be for two days (December 12th and 13th) and will take place in Kyoto, a city that has been an important centre for Japanese culture for centuries, and is now a major international tourism destination.

Source : unwto.org

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