World’s tallest known tropical tree has been located in Malaysia

A giant tree in the Malaysian State of Sabah on the island of Borneo is now the world’s tallest tropical tree. During january this year, local climber Unding Jami of the Southeast Asia Rainforest Research Partnership made it to the top and dropped down a tape measure to validate it stretched nearly 330 feet from its canopy.

“It was a scary climb, so windy, because the nearest trees are very distant. But honestly the view from the top was incredible. I don’t know what to say other than it was very, very, very amazing,” Jami said in a press release.

The tree, named Menara,which means tower in Malay word, weighs in around 180,000 pounds, the equivalent to a fully loaded Boeing 737-800. Just 5 percent of that mass is contained in its crown. The other 95 percent is found in its thick, straight trunk.

The Researchers say the structure of the tree indicates it could grow even bigger. But wind may be a constraint, so they doubt it or other trees would go too much taller. Still, John C. Cannon at Mongabay reports that the Menara’s location is perfect for tall trees since the state of Sabah is outside of the typhoon belt to the north of it. And its island location means it doesn’t get the massive, violent storms that form over larger landmasses.

Menara isn’t the first tree to hold the world’s tallest tropical title to come from Sabah. Earlier in 2016, the previous record holder, a 293.6-foot yellow meranti was measured in Sabah’s Maliau basin conservation area. Prior to that, the record came from a yellow meranti in Sabah’s Tawau Hills National Park.

While yellow meranti trees do face pressure from loggers on the island of Borneo, the Forestry Department has extended protections in the Danum Valley. The state of Sabah, meanwhile, has pledged to protect 30 percent of its land area by 2025, most of which is covered by tropical forests.

It is worth mentioning the world’s tallest tree, Hyperion, was discovered in Redwood National Park in California in 2006 and is 379.7 feet tall.



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