UAE changes its ‘travel warnings’ list for Emiratis

UAE government  has revised its travel warnings list for Emirati travellers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation removed two countries from the list.That brings the tally from 13 to 11 countries at present.

The ministry warned all its citizens from visiting the countries mentioned below:

– Madagascar (due to a plague)

– Democratic Republic of the Congo

– Yemen

– Republic of South Sudan

– Afghanistan

– Somalia

– Pakistan

– Syria

– Federal Republic of Nigeria northern Nigeria

– Iraq

– Libya (security situation).

Brazil and Ukraine have been removed from the list, which were earlier on it for security concerns.

It is worth mentioning that though Pakistan is on the list,but Emiratis can now obtain an e-visa for Pakistan under the new visa policy.

In addition to that, the Travel Ban list on the ministry’s website remains the same, that includes 3 countries: Qatar, Karabakh and Lebanese Republic.


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