World’s Most Expensive Hotel Stays on New Year’s Eve Destinations

If your resolution for 2019 is to live more extravagantly, then get started on Dec. 31.And New Years Eve is one of the most extravagant days of the year, where millions of people around the world indulging in excess.

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According to the survey by, Miami beach is considered to be the  most expensive New year destination in the world  for accommodation on the eve of New Year.Miami Beach are facing the most expensive hotel rates with a nightly rate of $281 ($843 for three nights)this time, the survey showed.

Miami beach has topped the list with  its least expensive room, costing $843 for three nights($281per night). This has been followed by Sydney with $274 per night and  Dubai with a nightly price of $272 for its least charged rooms.

Comparing the hotel rates of around 50 cities across the world, the rating has been done. Only centrally located hotels with 3 stars and above  have been chosen for the survey. The cheapest tariff for a stay of 3 nights i. e.from 30th December to 2nd of January of each destination are considered. The survey has been conducted on the basis of the positive reviews of the hotel users only.

Top 10 most extravagant destinations in the world for 3 days hotel stays on New Year’s Eve :
1. Miami Beach $281 (+150%)
2. Sydney $274 (+298%)
3. Dubai $272 (+234%)
4. New Orleans $269 (+288%)
5. Rio de Janeiro $226 (+289%)
6. New York City $224 (+202%)
7. Hong Kong $221 (+172%)
8. Nashville $216 (+101%)
9. Edinburgh $204 (+423%)
10. Amsterdam $198 (+167%)
The figures shown in the brackets are the percentage increase on average rates in normal days for the same destination.

New Orleans with $269/ pre night, New York City with $224/ per night and Nashville with $216/ per night are the other US cities to be listed in the most expensive destinations for hotel stays this New Year’s Eve.

In contrary Seattle and Chicago are the cities in US where more affordable hotels can be found with a bid of $116 and $105 per night respectively.

When it comes to destinations that have hiked their rates by the largest  during New Year’s Eve, Taipei,the capital of Taiwan  tops the bill with nightly prices of $175 for the most affordable room around New Year’s Eve – nearly 500 percent more than an equivalent stay in January.

According to the survey, Bogota, the capital of Columbia in South America is the most affordable destination, where you can find hotel rates of just $27 per night around New Year’s Eve.

When coming to destinations those have  increased costs for the occasion of the New Year Eve, Taiwanese capital of Taipei topped the list with a hike of 500% in accommodation charges. The new increased rate of the hotel stay here is $175 per night.


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