Odisha Tourism marked itself on top of ‘Most Viewed’ in Travel-Tourism section of National Portal of India

India.gov.in,the National Portal of India is the Indian government’s web portal for citizens. It presents information resources and online services from government sources, accessible from a single point.It is a Mission Mode Project under the National E-Governance Plan

Travel and tourism is the largest service industry in India. It provides heritage, cultural, medical, business and sports tourism. The main objective of this sector is to develop and promote tourism, maintain competitiveness of India as tourist destination and improve and expand existing tourism products to ensure employment generation and economic growth.This section  provides information about various tourist destinations, modes of travel, accommodation and approved travel agents.

All updated  information is available at https://www.india.gov.in/topics/travel-tourism

Here in the Most Viewed section  Odisha tourism is placed  at the top of the list followed by Rajasthan tourism though it does not represent any official ranking or grade to categorize for any recognition.

Odisha is much in news in recent days as it proudly hosted  the Men’s World Cup hockey very successfully positioning itself effectively in global tourism platform.

The ‘Most Viewed’ section puts on view as follows:


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