China, India on tourism development : China’s Yunnan offers a host of tourist attractions to woo Indian tourists

In a recent development world’s two fastest developing countries India and China created  ‘golden oppertunities’ for tourism development with  the ongoing economic development and with a rapid growing middle-class,says an Chinese official.

The  country’s scenic  Yunnan Province blessed with rich tourism resources and endowment the southwestern province has launched initiatives to woo more Indian tourists and China has been promoting Yunnan province as a paradise for Indian travellers with its dramatic landscapes and astounding views.Also as one of the world’s top beneficiary to attract international tourists  China  prominently exhibits its  proximity to India. The Yunnan Provincial Tourism Development Commission and the Indian TAAI(Travel Agents Association of India  has signed a agreement during a three-day convention ‘Tourism Beyond Boundaries’ held in Kunmimg, the capital city of Country’s most ethnically diverse Yunnan province in which nearly 500 delegates from India explored the tourism opportunities between the province and India.

Kunming is also recognized as ‘the city of eternal spring’ due to its spring-like weather, ideal to escape the summer and the frozen winter.Also JioMusic, Saavn integrated to create new music platform to attract a large number of Indian travellers.

The efforts by the provincial government came months after President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi held their first informal summit in central China’s Wuhan city where they agreed to strengthen people-to-people exchanges.

According to Li Malin, Vice Governor of Yunnan Province, “both the countries with rapid economic development, increased living standards and a fast growing middle-class which created golden opportunities for tourism development”. “While India emerged as an important source market for China, China also became a potential market to send travellers to India,” she said. Between India and China, there is a big vast tourist market to be explored by both, Li said. “Social and people-to-people exchanges with tourism included as one of its integral components play an important part in enhancing relations between India and China,”

According to the President of TAAI Sunil Kumar ‘TAAI is a vehicle for the governments to sit and ride on if they are looking for to promote a particular destination for tourism.Yunnan will be the most important household destination for every travel agency which is associated with TAAI. The tourists’ arrival in Yunnan will rise significantly,” he said.

The visibility of Indians in the province will go up in coming days.

 According to Kunming-based tourist guide Maria, Yunnan offers a range of advantageous  tourist attractions that includes the Stone Forest a notable set of limestone formations in Shilin Yi Autonomous County; Dianchi Lake also known as Kunming Lake; Yuantong Temple – the most famous Buddhist temple in Kunming; Green lake park – an urban park in Kunming which comprises a group of four small sub-lakes linked by bridges in the traditional style among others. “Kunming, one of the most beautiful cities of China  is known as ‘the flower city’ as its unique weather conditions allow it to grow flowers across the year. “The city’s proximity to India, just a two-and-a-half-hour flight from Kolkata and a four-hour flight from New Delhi, makes it a must-visit tourist place for Indians looking to spend their vacations abroad,” Maria said

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