Hamedan to host international seminar on cultural tourism

Looking to propel utilization of development and bleeding edge advances into social tourism practices, goals and items, the International Seminar on Harnessing Cultural Tourism through Innovation and Technology will be held in Hamedan, Iran from November 12 to 14, 2018Seeking to propel utilization of advancement and front line advances into social tourism practices, goals and items, the International Seminar on Harnessing Cultural Tourism through Innovation and Technology will be held in Hamedan, Iran close by the 40th UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary Session from November 12 to 14, 2018.

The course perceives the hugeness of advancement in overseeing and advancing social tourism, or, in other words the biggest worldwide tourism markets, and the chances of coordinating inventive administration into the administration of social tourism goals. Through disturbing the part and making open doors for enhancing administration, aggressiveness and social asset conservation, advancement and innovation are instrumental in upgrading social tourism improvement.

The workshop will include three boards, investigating how enormous information, creative plans of action, computerized administrations and advertising, and other new innovation can guarantee long haul manageability, productivity and aggressiveness for social tourism items while safeguarding their realness. The keynote board will investigate how advancement and innovation create new open doors for, and persuade new players to enter, the social tourism part.

An expected four out of 10 vacationers pick their goal dependent on its social advertising. The meeting will investigate how this decision is progressively propelled by impalpable factors, for example, a place’s way of life, history, customs and air, or its relationship with renowned individuals, thoughts or occasions.

Host city Hamedan, verifiably home to Iran’s renowned researchers and artists, is these days known for its rich legacy of crafted works, in particular ceramics outline. The residential community of Lalejin in Hamedan Province was assigned the World Pottery Capital by the World Crafts Council in July 2016. Close-by Alisadr, the world’s biggest water give in, is another prestigious vacation destination.

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