New Delhi and Mumbai witness roadshows by jeju tourism

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and Jeju Tourism Organization as of late held a joint roadshow in New Delhi and Mumbai to display the goal to movement operators. This was their second tourism introduction in India since 2015 when they made their India make a big appearance. Stop Hong Bai, President, Jeju Tourism Organization, drove the Korean designation that involved Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and three local organizations that were taking an interest in the roadshow. Around 100 visit administrators went to the show in every city. Indian nationals don’t require a visa for visiting Jeju Island.

Hong Bai, stated, “This roadshow is an essential initial step for Jeju to tap the Indian market. Jeju will work with Korea Tourism Organization and Hong Kong Tourism Board to support advancement of every area in India and to expand the fulfillment of Indian voyagers who intend to visit Jeju.”

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