Pokhara, centrally located in Nepal, is a city on Phewa Lake, that stands as an entrance to the Annapurna Circuit, a mainstream trail in the Himalayas. A very famous temple is there on an island in the lake is the Tal Barahi Temple, a 2-story pagoda. On the eastern shore, the Lakeside area has yoga centers and restaurants. In the city’s south, the International Mountain Museum has displays on the historical backdrop of mountaineering and the community of the Himalayas.

West of the historical center and past the little Devi’s Falls, is the Tashi Ling Tibetan settlement, where Tibetan artworks are made. The splendid white World Peace Pagoda, with its brilliant Buddha statues, remains on a high edge disregarding the lake and the city. The Bindhyabasini Temple, devoted to the Hindu goddess Durga, is in the city’s azdisplays on the historical backdrop of the Gurkha regiments, including weapons and regalia. West of here, Sarangkot Hill offers all encompassing perspectives of the mountains. It’s additionally a well known dispatch site for paragliders.

Pokhara has mellow to warm temperatures all through the year. Spring (Mar– Apr) and fall (Oct– Nov) are the perfect time to visit. The rainy season (Jun– Sep) brings heavy rainstorms , which can cause avalanches in the mountains. The catchy event is the Pokhara Street Festival (Dec– Jan) , a social occasion in the Lakeside area , with dance, music and food .

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